How To Support Your Thesis
What’s the point of a paper without a thesis? After all, your thesis is your main argument. It rests at the core of your project. But a thesis is nothing without support. There’s no value in staking a claim if you can’t back it up. That’s why you’ll have to take steps to persuade your audience of your thesis. For today’s article, as part of our editor’s blog, we’ve accumulated a few tips you can employ to win over your readers:
Research and Citing Sources
To validify your argument, you’ll need to do some legwork. Start by scouring the internet and checking out the library. Look for reputable sources: Nonfiction books, quotes from experts, articles from authoritative productions, publications in scientific journals. Look for data and facts. Seek out concrete information upon which you can formulate an argument. The best sources are primary sources; primary sources are sources which have accumulated information firsthand. A primary source may include eyewitnesses, doctors, reviews, unedited videos, audio, and other media, speeches, and more. Secondary sources are less powerful. A secondary source utilizes primary source material to create another production. For instance, a scientist may perform research, accumulating data surrounding the effects of caffeine on cell mitosis. The scientist may publish these findings in a scientific journal as a primary source. Then, a writer may take these findings and elaborate on them. She might compose an article that suggests that caffeine increases cell mitosis. This article is a secondary source, since it is composed by someone who did not directly accumulate the information at hand. Since the information may be misconstrued, modified, or completely wrong in a secondary source, a primary source is a far more valuable, and less likely to be skewed. Always cite your sources properly throughout your project. Are you uncertain how to cite your sources? Don’t sweat. You can always count on us for our academic editing and professional proofreading services. Be sure to put in the research, gather sufficient information, and cite your sources to back up any claims that you’re staking.
Shifting Your Thesis
Don’t be afraid to shift your thesis throughout the entirety of the composition process. If you come upon research that invalidates your thesis, you may have to change the intent of your composition altogether. When you begin a project, you may identify a thesis right off the bat, and it can be easy to dig your heels in. However, it can be useful to maintain an open mind when it comes to the thesis of your project. As you compile research, you may find that your original thesis is a bit off, or perhaps it’s wrong altogether. If you don’t transform your project, it can be extremely difficult to support the thesis with convincing, accurate arguments.
Showing All Sides
While your main goal is to support your thesis, it’s also important to refute arguments against your thesis. Take a step back from your project once in awhile. Ask yourself, “How could this argument be wrong? Are there other factors that I haven’t considered? Am I looking at this topic from all angles?” Put yourself in the shoes of your reader. Wash away any assumptions that you may have, and see if there are any shortcomings in your argument. If you can poke holes in your own argument, then it’s best to address those counterpoints so that your reader knows both sides of the coin. Offering up an all-encompassing view of the issue at hand ensures that your argument is watertight, no matter the perspective of the reader.
Stay Professional
While there’s a time and place for a creative voice, the best voice for an academic paper is that of professional candor. Sure, it’s OK to justify some creative styling in your presentation, but too much flare could be off-putting for readers, and it may rob the thesis of its power. Avoid emotional asides, opinionated statements, and refrain from using “I” unless the topic allows for personal input. You wouldn’t want to say, “I think caffeine increases cell mitosis.” Stating “I think” removes factuality from the sentence. Your reader may think, “That statement is just an opinion; it’s unfounded.” In addition, you wouldn’t want to say “It’s odd that caffeine increases cell mitosis.” Stating “it’s odd” is too personal and unnecessary. Simply stick to the facts. Stay professional: “Caffeine increases cell mitosis.” Maintaining a professional voice will establish the composition as unbiased.
If you aim to construct and support a thesis while persuading your audience, it’s crucial that you compile resource, cite your sources, and modify your thesis to fit your findings. In addition, your argument will be more effective if you show all sides of the argument, and your audience will find your writing more persuasive if you establish a professional voice.
Unsure if your thesis is strong? Or perhaps you struggle to use a professional voice? Count on Panther Academic Editing. We provide editing services for students and professionals alike.