Ucapan Perpisahan Dalam Bahasa Inggris
Ilustrasi perpisahan, berpisah. (Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay)Bola.com, Jakarta – Kumpulan ucapan perpisahan dalam bahasa Inggris bisa menjadi ungkapan sedih saat berpisah dengan seseorang. Setiap ada pertemuan, pasti ada perpisahan.
Perasaan sedih tentu dirasakan jika bicara tentang ‘perpisahan’. Terutama, saat harus terpisah dari orang yang kita sayangi, apakah itu orang tua, saudara, sahabat, kekasih, teman sekolah, maupun rekan kerja.
Namun, jangan sampai perpisahan membuatmu bersedih terus menerus. Kamu harus segera bangkit dari kesedihan tersebut.
Perpisahan memang tak bisa dihindari dalam perjalanan hidup. Berpisah dengan orang terdekat dan terkasih terasa sangat menyedihkan. Dengan mengirimkan ucapan perpisahan, mungkin akan bisa sedikit mengurangi beban di hatimu.
Ada beragam gaya ucapan perpisahan yang bisa kamu ungkapkan. Satu di antaranya ucapan perpisahan dalam bahasa Inggris.
Salam perpisahan dalam bahasa Inggris disebut dengan leave-taking expressions. Salam perpisahan dalam bahasa Inggris tersebut juga sering diajarkan di sekolah.
Nah, bagi kamu yang bingung menyusun ucapan perpisahan dalam bahasa Inggris, tak perlu risau. Ada banyak referensi yang bisa kamu gunakan.
Berikut ini kumpulan ucapan perpisahan dalam bahasa Inggris yang berkesan, seperti dikutip dari Wishesmsg, Jumat (23/4/2021).
Ilustrasi perpisahan, berpisah, pergi. (Photo by Rémi Walle on Unsplash)1. “Farewell does not mean the end of our friendship. We have had a great journey together and we’ll surely meet each other at the end.”
2. “Friends never say goodbye to each other. Because, deep inside the heart, they know that they’ll be in touch forever! Good wishes for your future.”
3. “Dear friend, good luck with your life ahead. Till the time we meet again!”
4. “A true friend like you is a precious gift for life. My heart is weeping today knowing that you’ll not be here with me anymore. Have a blessed new life.”
5. “You are always there for me whenever i needed you and now you are going away from me without giving me the chance to return the favor. Farewell.”
6. “Goodbye friend. I will miss you. Best wishes from my heart for your new adventure.”
7. “My heart cannot say goodbye though i am saying it to you for now. Farewell, dear friend. Hope we meet soon with the same enthusiasm and love.”
8. “This farewell does not mean that our friendship is ending. This farewell is a sign that we will meet soon somewhere else with new gossips, new achievements, and new love.”
9. “You are a true friend and a precious possession in my life. My heart tears apart to say goodbye to you, but it is happy for a new beginning of your life. Best Wishes.”
10. “Today, we may be taking different roads but deep in my heart, I know that these roads will cross again. Till then, goodbye.”
Ilustrasi perpisahan, berpisah, pergi. (Image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay)11. “Sometimes we have to let go of the ones we love the most. Although it hurts, we know that it’s all for the best. Take care, my friend.”
12. “We have many good memories with each other. it doesn’t matter where we are, we’ll always feel close to each other thinking about those memories! Goodbye.”
13. “Bidding farewell is not easy for me, but i will always want the best for you! May your life goes easy on you. I will miss you, bestie.”
14. “You are going far away from me. But i know it’s just a matter of time when we’ll meet once again. Our friendship will only become stronger by then.”
15. “Before you leave, I want to say ‘thanks’ to you because it is a pleasure to have a delightful person like you to have in this life. Goodbye and best wishes.”
16. “My heart cannot afford to say goodbye to you, so it is keeping you inside instead. Farewell and thank you for everything you have done for me.”
17. “You were there when i was going through the most crucial part of my life. Thank you for being there for me. Farewell, dearest.”
18. “Thanks for being an incredible part of my life. I am looking forward to meeting you once again in this journey of life. Farewell.”
19. “I do not know how to thank you for all the good memories you shared with me. You will always be missed no matter how far apart we are.”
20. “I feel really lucky to have met you is such a crucial part of my life. You are leaving a profound impact on my life. Thank you and goodbye.”
Ilustrasi perpisahan, berpisah, pergi. (Photo by Jan Tinneberg on Unsplash)21. “It’s a wonderful journey that we shared with each other. Yet, it’s the same journey that is taking us away from each other. I just want to say thank you for all the good moments.”
22. “Farewell dear. Best of luck for your next adventurous endeavors.”
23. “My best wishes to you for your new chapter of life. You’ll be missed. Goodbye.”
24. “I have always admired you and will always be for what you are. Farewell and best wishes.”
25. “You’re one of the best people i’ve ever met. Best of luck for new life and farewell.”
26. “No matter where you go, stay in touch always. Take care and goodbye.”
27. “Saying goodbye is sometimes a part of life. But our memories will always speak for our true friendship wherever we go. Farewell friend.”
28. “I’m wishing everything best for you because that is exactly what you deserve! Goodbye! We will meet again, soon. Take care of yourself.”
29. “You are leaving a ton of memories with us today. You’ll be missed by each and every one of us. Have a great journey to your newest destination.”
30. “No matter where you go, we will always be connected in our hearts. My heartiest good wishes will be with you always. Farewell dear friend.”
Ilustrasi salam perpisahan. (Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash)31. “You are not only a great teacher but also a great human being. There are so many things that we have learned from you! You deserve the best farewell.”
32. “I have learned so many things from you. We shared some really wonderful moments together as colleagues. Thank you for everything.”
33. “Bidding you goodbye is one of the toughest jobs, but we are very happy about the new opportunities you are getting. Farewell senior. You deserve all the best things.”
34. “You have always been a great companion for the journey. Saying goodbye to a companion like you is hard for me. Wish you all the best for your new life.”
35. “It’s tough to say goodbye to you. Your memories will keep you alive. Farewell.”
36. “It was a great experience working with you. Thank you for everything. Goodbye!”
37. “No matter where you go and whatever you do, my heart and success will find you always. Farewell.”
38. “I can not believe that you are leaving us. Let’s stay in touch forever. Best wishes for the future.”
39. “Success will find you no matter where you go and what you do. As you leave us today just know that my heart will always find you in it.”
40. “Thank you for being an amazing person! Your direction will be remembered fondly consistently without any doubts. Goodbye.”
Sumber: Wishesmsg
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