Matter Artinya Matter Adalah
pengucapan: [ ‘mætə ]audio:kata kerja past tense: mattered kata kerja past continuous: mattered kata benda plural: matters kata kerja present continuous: mattering
* We have well-motivated candidates for the dark matter.
Kami memiliki calon yang sesuai untuk materi gelap.
* Something that matters. Start. Do it. We need it.
Pergerakan yang penting. Mulai. Lakukan. Kita membutuhkannya.
* Metaphor matters because it opens the door to discovery.
Metafora penting karena ini membuka pintu penemuan.
* Do I matter, or really exist for you?
Apakah saya berarti, atau benar-benar ada bagi kalian?
* This is, I think, the range that matters.
Hal ini, menurut saya, adalah rentang yang penting.
* Now why does that matter for human health?
Lalu mengapa hal ini penting bagi kesehatan manusia?
* It didn’t speak language, but it didn’t matter.
Kismet tidak berbicara bahasa, tetapi itu tidak penting.
* And, among other things, they’re looking for dark matter.
Dan salah satunya, mereka mencari materi gelap.
* And therefore, it’s not a matter of opinion.
Karena itu, hal ini tidak terkait dengan pendapat.
* Exercise teaches your brain that your behavior matters.
Latihan mengajarkan otak Anda bahwa perilaku Anda berarti.
* Lebih banyak contoh: Inggris
* Kata benda
* that which has mass and occupies space; “physicists study both the nature of matter and the forces which govern it”
* (used with negation) having consequence; “they were friends and it was no matter who won the games”
* a vaguely specified concern; “several matters to attend to”; “it is none of your affair”; “things are going well”
Sinonim: affair, thing,
* a problem; “is anything the matter?”
* some situation or event that is thought about; “he kept drifting off the topic”; “he had been thinking about the subject for several years”; “it is a matter for the police”
Sinonim: topic, subject, issue,
* written works (especially in books or magazines); “he always took some reading matter with him on the plane”
* Kata kerja
* have weight; have import, carry weight; “It does not matter much”
Sinonim: count, weigh,