General Discussion How To Play Support DOTABUFF
You can secure your farm by double pulling. You need to know when to rotate and when/where to gank.
Now then to secure your carries farm you need to zone them out, I know in 2k they don’t go so I’m assuming its 2-1-2.
To zone two heroes out of the lane you need to know how to handle creep aggro. You can force them to come closer using this.
Since they are fighting (since its 2k) for last hits, you need to start hitting your half life creep as soon as possible then ensure denying it.
Now then, about roaming, if you go roam you need to be efficient as possible, stacking camps, managing mana and health, and ganks.
For dewarding, DO NOT PUT IT ON THE WARD SPOT ITSELF, place it in the middle of where two ward spots can be reached.
I’ve seen alot people place observers and sentries on the same spot and it is really annoying. Dying as a support is fine if no one on the enemy team gets the experience, for example, you gank an Invoker and you killed him under the tower before you died. He gets not exp and less gold since you are a support with 179 gpm in the early game. As a solo support you can be as sacrificial as you want.
When they are chasing your carry 1v5 and you just suddenly throw your body away they would not think twice to kill or not to kill you.
If you see an Alchemist for example, closing in under your highground (at mid) there it is, that is a potential gank right there.
Smoking in the early game is really good in any bracket I think, ensures you a kill always in mid. If you got caught smoking under their wards, it gives them pressure on whether to back or not, so two lanes will be cautious and be missing last hits a lot more.
If the enemy has jungler, ruin his life, don’t forget to talk in all chat to ruin his day. Buying all the sentries and observers by yourself is really hard, so do not always buy all the wards, you just need to ensure in the early game that you at least have two obs placed.
When buying sentries it is always worth it, it basically removes Riki’s Invi which makes him a hero with 3 skills only. Do not let it get to the point where the enemies are snowballing and you buy all the support items you can buy. Whenever you tp from your fountain to mid, make sure that you can ask your midder to drop his bottle so that you can refill it. If he is dumb then don’t mind him.
There are cases where in being a greedy support can be good, only do it if you think your lanes will do good by themselves.
But the best solo support playstyle is the sacrificial one, it can balance the comeback mechanics dota has and actually help the team.
Do you see your carry or core suffering? Never forget bringing a salve along with you. Your early items should be as efficient as possible.
If somehow the lane fucks up with you there the efficiency you invested in your items will never be wasted. The real fun behind being a solo support is your team and the enemy team will praise and actually commend you for it if you are kind and good enough.
This is a really long guide for you. I hope you take your time reading it. I’m not VHS or anything but atleast I know the feel of a solo support in 2k. Good luck boosting your team’s mmr and have fun.