England And Wales Cricket Board ECB
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Round 1 – Thursday 6 – Sunday 9 April
Derbyshire v Worcestershire (Incora County Ground, Derby)
Glamorgan v Gloucestershire (Sophia Gardens)
Hampshire v Nottinghamshire (Ageas Bowl)
Kent v Northamptonshire (Spitfire Ground, Canterbury)
Lancashire v Surrey (Emirates Old Trafford)
Middlesex v Essex (Lord’s)
Somerset v Warwickshire (Cooper Associates County Ground, Taunton)
Sussex v Durham (1st Central County Ground, Hove)
Yorkshire v Leicestershire (Headingley)
Round 2 – Thursday 13 – Sunday 16 April
Durham v Worcestershire (Seat Unique Riverside)
Essex v Lancashire (Cloud County Ground, Chelmsford)
Gloucestershire v Yorkshire (Seat Unique Stadium, Bristol)
Leicestershire v Derbyshire (Uptonsteel County Ground)
Northamptonshire v Middlesex (County Ground, Northampton)
Nottinghamshire v Somerset (Trent Bridge)
Surrey v Hampshire (Kia Oval)
Warwickshire v Kent (Edgbaston)
Round 3 – Thursday 20 – Sunday 23 April
Glamorgan v Durham (Sophia Gardens)
Kent v Essex (Spitfire Ground, Canterbury)
Middlesex v Nottinghamshire (Lord’s)
Northamptonshire v Hampshire (County Ground, Northampton)
Somerset v Lancashire (Cooper Associates County Ground, Taunton)
Sussex v Yorkshire (1st Central County Ground, Hove)
Worcestershire v Gloucestershire (New Road)
Round 4 – Thursday 27 – Sunday 30 April
Durham v Derbyshire (Seat Unique Riverside)
Gloucestershire v Sussex (Seat Unique Stadium, Bristol)
Leicestershire v Glamorgan (Uptonsteel County Ground)
Middlesex v Kent (Lord’s)
Warwickshire v Surrey (Edgbaston)
Round 5 – Thursday 4 May – Sunday 7 May
Derbyshire v Leicestershire (Incora County Ground, Derby)
Essex v Surrey (Cloud County Ground, Chelmsford)
Hampshire v Warwickshire (Ageas Bowl)
Nottinghamshire v Lancashire (Trent Bridge)
Somerset v Northamptonshire (Cooper Associates County Ground, Taunton)
Worcestershire v Sussex (New Road)
Yorkshire v Glamorgan (Headingley)
Round 6 – Thursday 11 – Sunday 14 May
Derbyshire v Gloucestershire (Incora County Ground, Derby)
Durham v Yorkshire (Seat Unique Riverside)
Glamorgan v Worcestershire (Sophia Gardens)
Kent v Hampshire (Spitfire Ground, Canterbury)
Lancashire v Somerset (Emirates Old Trafford)
Leicestershire v Sussex (Uptonsteel County Ground)
Northamptonshire v Nottinghamshire (County Ground, Northampton)
Surrey v Middlesex (Kia Oval)
Warwickshire v Essex (Edgbaston)
Round 7 – Thursday 18 – Sunday 21 May
Gloucestershire v Durham (Seat Unique Stadium, Bristol)
Hampshire v Northamptonshire (Ageas Bowl)
Middlesex v Somerset (Lord’s)
Nottinghamshire v Essex (Trent Bridge)
Surrey v Kent (Kia Oval)
Sussex v Glamorgan (1st Central County Ground, Hove)
Worcestershire v Leicestershire (New Road)
Nottinghamshire return to the top tier after winning Division 2 in Round 8 – Sunday 11 – Wednesday 14 June
Derbyshire v Yorkshire (Chesterfield)
Durham v Glamorgan (Seat Unique Riverside)
Essex v Somerset (Cloud County Ground, Chelmsford)
Gloucestershire v Leicestershire (Seat Unique Stadium, Bristol)
Kent v Surrey (Spitfire Ground, Canterbury)
Lancashire v Hampshire (Southport)
Nottinghamshire v Warwickshire (Trent Bridge)
Sussex v Worcestershire (1st Central County Ground, Hove)
Round 9 – Sunday 25 – Wednesday 28 June
Essex v Warwickshire (Cloud County Ground, Chelmsford)
Glamorgan v Sussex (Sophia Gardens)
Hampshire v Middlesex (Ageas Bowl)
Leicestershire v Durham (Uptonsteel County Ground)
Northamptonshire v Kent (County Ground, Northampton)
Somerset v Nottinghamshire (Cooper Associates County Ground, Taunton)
Surrey v Lancashire (Kia Oval)
Worcestershire v Derbyshire (New Road)
Yorkshire v Gloucestershire (Headingley)
Round 10 – Monday 10 – Thursday 13 July
Durham v Gloucestershire (Seat Unique Riverside)
Glamorgan v Leicestershire (Venue TBC)
Kent v Warwickshire (Spitfire Ground, Canterbury)
Lancashire v Essex (Blackpool)
Middlesex v Northamptonshire (Merchant Taylors)
Somerset v Hampshire (Cooper Associates County Ground, Taunton)
Surrey v Nottinghamshire (Kia Oval)
Sussex v Derbyshire (1st Central County Ground, Hove)
Worcestershire v Yorkshire (New Road)
Round 11 – Wednesday 19 – Saturday 22 July
Derbyshire v Durham (Venue TBC)
Essex v Kent (Cloud County Ground, Chelmsford)
*Gloucestershire v Glamorgan (Cheltenham)
Leicestershire v Worcestershire (Oakham School)
Middlesex v Surrey (Lord’s)
Northamptonshire v Somerset (County Ground, Northampton)
Nottinghamshire v Hampshire (Trent Bridge)
Warwickshire v Lancashire (Edgbaston)
Yorkshire v Sussex (Headingley)
* Runs Thursday to Sunday
Round 12 – Tuesday 25 – Friday 28 July
Derbyshire v Glamorgan (Incora County Ground, Derby)
*Gloucestershire v Worcestershire (Cheltenham)
Hampshire v Essex (Ageas Bowl)
Lancashire v Northamptonshire (Emirates Old Trafford)
Nottinghamshire v Kent (Trent Bridge)
Somerset v Surrey (Cooper Associates County Ground, Taunton)
Warwickshire v Middlesex (Edgbaston)
Yorkshire v Durham (Scarborough)
* Runs Wednesday to Saturday
Lancashire will look to go one better in 2023 after finishing second last season
Round 13 – Sunday 3 – Wednesday 6 September
Durham v Sussex (Seat Unique Riverside)
*Essex v Middlesex (Cloud County Ground, Chelmsford)
Hampshire v Somerset (Ageas Bowl)
Leicestershire v Gloucestershire (Uptonsteel County Ground)
Northamptonshire v Lancashire (County Ground, Northampton)
Surrey v Warwickshire (Kia Oval)
Worcestershire v Glamorgan (New Road)
Yorkshire v Derbyshire (Scarborough)
*Runs Monday – Thursday
Round 14 – Sunday 10 – Wednesday 13 September
Glamorgan v Yorkshire (Sophia Gardens)
Gloucestershire v Derbyshire (Seat Unique Stadium, Bristol)
Kent v Nottinghamshire (Spitfire Ground, Canterbury)
Lancashire v Middlesex (Emirates Old Trafford)
Sussex v Leicestershire (1st Central County Ground, Hove)
Warwickshire v Northamptonshire (Edgbaston)
Round 15 – Tuesday 19 – Friday 22 September
Derbyshire v Sussex (Incora County Ground, Derby)
Essex v Hampshire (Cloud County Ground, Chelmsford)
Lancashire v Nottinghamshire (Emirates Old Trafford)
Leicestershire v Yorkshire (Uptonsteel County Ground)
Middlesex v Warwickshire (Lord’s)
Somerset v Kent (Cooper Associates County Ground, Taunton)
Surrey v Northamptonshire (Kia Oval)
Worcestershire v Durham (New Road)
Round 16 – Tuesday 26 – Friday 29 September
Durham v Leicestershire (Seat Unique Riverside)
Glamorgan v Derbyshire (Sophia Gardens)
Hampshire v Surrey (Ageas Bowl)
Kent v Lancashire (Spitfire Ground, Canterbury)
Northamptonshire v Essex (County Ground, Northampton)
Nottinghamshire v Middlesex (Trent Bridge)
Sussex v Gloucestershire (1st Central County Ground, Hove)
Warwickshire v Somerset (Edgbaston)
Yorkshire v Worcestershire (Headingley)