Adrian Bambang Di LinkedIn Banks Fintech Edc
Train the team, take that vacation! Not at all to suggest that line managers should provide team training while on holiday, but instead advocating them to #sign a DOA before leaving for vacation. DOA = Delegation of Authority. During my banking days, whenever I was about to take extended time away from work, I used to sign a DOA, designating one of my direct reports to be officially in charge while I was gone. The #authority delegated ranged from something simple such as approving admin fee waiver up to handling small business credit facilities of a few million dollars. In short, this person would be ME! In the beginning, it took me a leap of faith to sign a DOA, knowing that somebody else would make those #decisions for me while I was away, yet I would still be #accountable if anything went wrong. But such was the nature of #leadership though, to work through others. To be a good leader, one must enable the creation of new leaders. Presumably it was also a frightening moment for them to accept a DOA for the first time. A few hesitated to do so, mostly out of fear that they might make fatal #mistakes. They did not feel ready for such a huge #responsibility. So, I had to convince them. I told them it would only be for a few days while I was away. It would be a great #training, preparing them for the next career level. It wouldn’t be as risky as they thought because banking is a highly regulated industry with all the checks and balance in place. I told them all the rational and motivational reasons I could think of, but what worked the best? It was my #promise that I would be there for them. “No worries, if you have serious doubt about anything, just call me” Really Ibu? “Yeah, but please, don’t do it too often. After all I am on #holiday”#WhyIbu? #PRoHaW
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